Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Marker Sketch with a bit of PS fixes.

Class Staff...

Another class project, Portrait of Bear Grylls, My Fav. TV hero! Case you guys/gals don't know who this is, Watch Man VS Wild!
Class project, Turned my turtle into an old man turtle character.
Class project, Take an animal and turn it into something/product. I chose to do my pet turtle.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Merry XMAS & Happy New Years. Will be back VERY soon for new postings due to classes being over :) Don't give up hopes.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Found this really cool picture of this Stag Beetle in a book my teach had so I thought i draw it. The rest are just random sketches I did for fun.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Store Bag Design Class Project

Store Bag Design for a 'game store' AKA Game Genie
Thought I do a game store bag design, we had the choice to choose what kind of store to design for. Been kind of laggy on the post, will be back soon for more ASAP.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

markers R fun

Some concepts I drew up in my sketch book with these Pentel markers I had sitting in my room collecting dust...

Purple Octopuss~ Same markers.

Monday, August 18, 2008


My favorite turtle from TMNT! What else is there to say? Just a simple line drawing but with a style that I rarely use. Another bad photo, kinda, the headband thing looks blue when it is drawn purple.... oh well, scanner will be coming soon... hopefully.

Ok... so for all fighting game fans/gamers... pretty sure you guys know who this is if you ever played the game soul calibur. Well, the forth installment is here and is much better then the past few I'd say. Anyways this is a pic I thought I do for a friend of mines just because I felt like I needed to update what I gave him awhile back, and when I mean awhile I mean 'AWHILE BACK' Well, I hope he enjoys it, cuss I sure enjoyed drawing this piece. The quality of this photo didn't come out so great like all the others in this blog. I'm still using a camera to take pics of my work so bare with me, I will get a scanner some day......
So, The idea for this piece here was kinda of an old idea that was just stuck in my head for a long while, just never took the time to draw it out. Kind of glad I did it just so the idea would stop haunting my head!
Hello once again... I know I've been quite behind on the posting for those who even read this blog here. I've been quite busy with all the good things life has had to offer these past few weeks :D. Therefore I am going to post 3 pieces of mine back to back for this weeks post. Hope ya enjoy. Feel free to comment and crit. as well.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Well here we go... My first ever post at this blogger site and its the first page of my recycled sketch book. I was looking for some reference for a school project and found this one pic of this model which I have no idea who it is, I just thought she looked hot so I'd thought why not put her on the first page of a sketch book just to start it off.