Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dreaming of monsters and ghouls

Late night sketches I did during these past few days before sleep.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Been awhile, I know. But here is the most recent work that I'm currently still working on. still a WIP or WIPs? Mutant designs for a short story my teach provided. oh yea WARNING SOME NUDITY...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hey blog followers, for those who are wondering what happen to me and this blog NOT being updated. I have been having problems with my main computer and it has been a battle/headache. Everything is fine now and seems to be running correctly. I've also been quite busy with portfolio building so if your interested or in need of an art fix, hop over to my portfolio site on the top right link. I'll be back ASAP with the next update soon enough.